
Develop app or feature for deaf and dumb people to communicate.


We were team of 4 UX practitioner,
Gauri Raul, Vikas Tanksale, Shubham Dabir, Neelam Gokhale.

Problem Statement

Deaf and Dumb people now lack access to simple communication tools. These users typically communicate through sign language. Their sign language is tough for the average individual to grasp. Even an average individual has trouble communicating with a deaf or dumb person. We came up with a wonderful concept as a result of this. adding a communication feature to an existing app.

Our thought process: Initially we were planning to build and app but because the no. of competitors are more and WhatsApp has 2 billion users who are active. This platform was the best alternative; therefore, we went with it. Our group made the decision to build an additional Plugin or Feature for WhatsApp that would be useful to both current and potential consumers.


  • Increase the number of new deaf and dumb subscribers and give them confidence to communicate with everyone.
  • Make feature which will overcome bridge between normal user and deaf and dumb user, both can communicate with each other hassle free.
  • Increasing the number of users who are retained.
  • Providing easy process to add feature in current app.
  • The same communication affordances should be provided to the deaf and dumb.
  • Help user to improve ability/self-confidence with new features.

Step 2 - Define πŸ”

SWOT Analysis



User Persona 1

Rohit Kapoor

Age : 35 years
Address : Pune, Maharashtra
Occupation : Marketing Manager
Gender : Male
Physical Condition : Deaf & Mute
Rohit is a marketing professional who is deaf and mute, facing challenges in communicating effectively via messenger applications. He was born and raised in Pune, India, and primarily uses Indian Sign Language (ISL) and written communication to interact with others. Rohit has a bachelor's degree in marketing and has been working in the industry for eight years. He is known for his strategic thinking and creativity.
  • Lack of Visual and Non-Verbal Cues: Rohit faces challenges in messenger applications where visual and non-verbal cues are absent, making it difficult to understand context, tone, and intent. This can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations during conversations.
  • Reliance on Written Communication: As a deaf and mute individual, Rohit heavily relies on written communication. However, he may face challenges in expressing complex ideas, emotions, or sarcasm through text alone. He needs features that support clear and nuanced written communication.
  • Limited Accessibility Features: Rohit encounters difficulties when messenger applications lack accessibility features, such as captioning for audio and video messages. This limits his ability to engage fully in conversations and understand multimedia content shared by others.
  • Effective Written Communication: Rohit strives to communicate effectively via messenger applications, where he faces challenges due to the lack of visual cues and real-time interaction. He seeks a user experience that supports clear and concise text-based communication, with features like spell-check, grammar correction, and autocompletion to enhance the accuracy and speed of his messaging.
  • Visual Representation: Rohit desires visual representation within messenger applications to enhance communication. He appreciates features such as emojis, stickers, and gifs that allow him to express emotions, convey tone, and add context to his messages. Visual cues can help bridge the gap caused by the absence of verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Accessibility and Inclusivity: Rohit aims to have equal access to messenger applications, ensuring they are designed with accessibility and inclusivity in mind. He values features such as captioning for audio and video messages, compatibility with assistive technologies like screen readers, and customizable interfaces that allow him to adjust font sizes and contrast for better readability.

User Persona 2

Aman Gupta

Age : 30 years
Address : Mumbai, India
Occupation : Customer Service Representative in Enquiry Section at SBI Bank
Gender : Male
Physical Condition : Blind
Aman is a highly dedicated and empathetic individual working as a Customer Service Representative in the Enquiry Section at SBI Bank. He is blind and primarily relies on auditory communication to assist customers with their banking queries and concerns. Aman has been working in the banking industry for six years and has developed a deep understanding of banking operations and customer needs.
  • Visual Limitations: Aman faces challenges in understanding and responding to written messages due to his visual impairment. He relies on auditory cues and screen readers to access information, which can sometimes lead to delays or difficulties in interpreting complex or lengthy messages.
  • Accessible Technology: Aman encounters challenges when existing messenger apps lack the necessary accessibility features for blind individuals. This includes inadequate support for screen readers, unintuitive navigation, and poor compatibility with assistive technologies.
  • Ensuring Accuracy: Aman needs to ensure the accuracy of information shared with customers orally. He relies on the messenger app to provide accurate conversions of written messages into spoken words, minimizing the chances of misinterpretation or misinformation.
  • Accessible Communication: Aman's primary goal is to have a messenger app that enables effective and accessible communication with customers. He requires features such as text-to-speech and speech-to-text capabilities to convert written messages into spoken words and vice versa.
  • Efficient Customer Support: Aman appreciates collaboration tools within the messenger app that enable him to seek assistance from colleagues when required. Features like internal messaging, group chats, and ticket assignment systems can enhance teamwork and ensure that customer queries are resolved effectively.
  • Accessibility and Inclusivity: Aman desires a messenger app that is designed with accessibility and inclusivity in mind. He values high contrast interfaces, adjustable font sizes, and compatibility with screen readers to ensure that he can use the app independently and efficiently. Captioning for multimedia content and support for alternative input methods are also essential for him to access and engage with all forms of communication.

User Journey Map

Empathy Map

User Flow

Firstly, our team decided to move ahead with below user flow, we noted down simple tasks on paper.

Step 3 β€” Sketch

Crazy 8 Sketches

Crazy 8's is a core Design Sprint method. It is a fast-sketching exercise that challenges people to sketch eight distinct ideas in eight minutes.
I sketched below 8 ideas within 8 minutes.

Mobile app Wireframe - LOFI Sketches

Step 4 β€” Decide

In the Decide phase, the Design Sprint team finalizes the direction or concept to be prototyped. Each participant will share their Solution Sketch, and the team will find consensus on a single idea through decision-making exercises. The final direction will aim to address the Design Sprint focus.

Step 5 β€” Prototype πŸ“²

Step 6 β€” Validate

Outcomes after testing this project πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ:

  • This feature will be additional plugin to existing WhatsApp messenger and users can select the feature while installing a communication app..
  • Upon accepting terms and conditions, a new keypad will be added to the app.
  • The user can now update this feature with just one click by using this app feature, users can easily express themselves to other users.
  • For better communication, we will be providing video capture with audio and emojis
  • Text-to-audio conversion, Emoji to text conversion
  • Video and emoji can be sent to normal people, and normal people can receive a text message.
  • In Future, As per business point of view, we can sell/rent this plugin to other messenger & communication apps too.

My takeaways from this project πŸ’β€β™€οΈ:

  • I learned to find quick solution by using design sprint methodology.
  • Great experience while working with team of 4 UX Practitioners and 2 UX Mentors.
  • We discussed all possibilities while coming up with final solution.
  • Doing paper prototype and crazy 8 sketches was most interesting task, helped us to find quick solution and better ideas within given time.
  • Lastly, I Would like to thank you my Mentors, Mr.Tushar Deshmukh and Mr. Nilesh Zende for their valuable guidance throughout the journey.